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Android Pie

Android Pie (Android 9) was the ninth major release, and it is the 16th version of the Android operating system. Its codename during the development has Android P. The Android Pie was first released on March 7, 2018, as a developer preview, and released publicly on August 6, 2018.

Android Pie

Android Pie History

Android Pie is also known as Android P, and it was first announced on March 7, 2018, by Google. The second (beta quality) and third (Beta 2) preview were released on May 8, 2018, and June 6, 2018, respectively. The fourth preview (Beta 3) was released on July 2, 2018. The final preview was released on July 25, 2018.

The final version of Android Pie was announced on August 6, 2018, under the title "Pie". The Android Pie was first updated in a third-party Android device known as Essential Phone (android smartphone).

Features of Android Pie

  • Adaptive battery life
  • Adaptive brightness
  • App actions
  • Navigation changes
  • Volume slider and screen rotation fixed

Adaptive battery life

Android Pie has designed to give you a more consistent battery by using on-device machine learning. It figures out which apps you are using in the next few hours.

Google partnered with Deep Mind refine its deep learning algorithms, and it has big efforts on Android battery life.

Adaptive brightness

According to Google, the current auto-brightness settings are not good enough; that is why it gives phone makers more power efficient to handle the screen brightness based on the environment.

App actions

Google inserted more prediction tools into its app drawer. Previously you would see a top row of predicted apps based on your usage history.

Android Pie goes one step further with app actions that predict what you will do next, and its shortcuts sit in a row right-bottom the predicted app icons. It is just like the Android Pie is reading your mind.

Navigation changes

Android Pie has a new navigation interface in order to perform multi-tasking easier, with a single clean home button. It is much similar to the iPhone X horizontal bar.

You can swipe up from the bottom in the operating system to see the recent open apps as well as five predicted apps at the bottom of the screen to save your time.

Android Pie lets you scroll through all of your apps very quickly by sliding right and left with the horizontal bar at the bottom.

Volume slider and screen rotation fixed

The volume slider is moved in the Android Pie. This time it's off to the right side near the volume rocker. Pressing the volume key in Android Pie adjust the media volume instead of sometimes controlling the ringer volume. The ringer can be turned on and off through a toggle button when you adjust the volume.

You can also control the screen orientation manually. This is done through a pop-up icon which appears when you rotate the screen.

Android Pie vs. Android Oreo: Security

The latest Android Pie comes with some added security, which is not available in the previous Oreo version. The company has claimed that the background apps will not have microphone and camera access, it will surely protect the user's privacy.

When the background app uses a microphone or camera, the OS will inform users via a notification.

Selectable Dark Mode

Android Oreo included the dark mode, but the system automatically decided whether to enable it based on your wallpaper. Now, in Android Pie, you can choose for yourself at Setting > System > Display > Advance > Device theme.

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