React Native Tutorial
- React Native Tutorial
- React Native Environment Setups
- React Native First Application Hello World
- React Native View
- React Native State
- React Native Props
- React Native Style
- React Native Height and Width
- React Native Button
- React Native Layout and Flexbox
- React Native Positioning Element with Flex
- React Native ScrollView
- React Native ListView
- React Native FlatList
- React Native SectionList
- React Native Touchables
- React Native Text Input
- React Native ActivityIndicator
- React Native Picker
- React Native StatusBar
- React Native Switch
- React Native WebView
- React Native ProgressBarAndroid
- React Native ProgressBar With Animated
- React Native Navigation
- React Native Configuring Header Bar
- React Native Moving Between Screens
- React Native Passing Value between Screen
- React Native Tab Navigation
- React Native Adding Icons at the Bottom of Tab Navigation
- React Native Create Material Bottom Tab Navigator
- React Native Top Tab Navigator
- React Native Drawer Navigation
React Misc
- React Native Google Map
- React Native Modal
- React Native Vector Icons
- React Native Splash Screen
- React Native vs. Ionic
- React Native vs. Xamarin
- React Native vs Flutter
- React Native vs React
- React Native vs Swift
- Box shadow in React Native
- React Native IAP
- React-Native Localization
- React Native Toast
- React Native Sound
React Native ScrollView
he ScrollView is a generic scrollable container, which scrolls multiple child components and views inside it. In the ScrollView, we can scroll the components in both direction vertically and horizontally. By default, the ScrollView container scrolls its components and views in vertical. To scroll its components in horizontal, it uses the props horizontal: true (default, horizontal: false).
Props of ScrollView
alwaysBounceVertical | onScroll | horizontal | |
contentContainerStyle | scrollEnabled | bouncesZoom | zoomScale |
onScrollBeginDrag | onContentSizeChange | maximumZoomScale | minimumZoomScale |
onScrollBeginDrag | onContentSizeChange | maximumZoomScale | minimumZoomScale |
onScrollEndDrag | centerContent | contentInset | refreshControl |
pagingEnabled | scrollsToTop | snapToAlignment | showsHorizontalScrollIndicator |
snapToStart | snapToEnd | indicatorStyle | showsHorizontalScrollIndicator |
React Native ScrollView Example
In this example, we create a vertical ScrollView using Text and Button components.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry, ScrollView, Image, Text, Button, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
export default class ScrolledViewExample extends Component {
onPressButton() {
alert('You clicked the button!')
render() {
return (
<ScrollView >
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>Scroll me plz</Text>
<Button title={'Button 1'} onPress={this.onPressButton} />
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>React Native Example of ScrollView</Text>
<Button title={'Button 2'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>React Native ScrollView Example</Text>
<Button title={'Button 3'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>If you like</Text>
<Button title={'Button 4'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>Scrolling down</Text>
<Button title={'Button 5'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>Scrolling down</Text>
<Button title={'Button 6'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>What's the best</Text>
<Button title={'Button 7'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>What's the best</Text>
<Button title={'Button 8'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>Framework around?</Text>
<Button title={'Button 9'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>Framework around?</Text>
<Button title={'Button 10'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>React Native</Text>
<Button title={'Button 11'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>Scroll me plz</Text>
<Button title={'Button 12'} onPress={this.onPressButton} />
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>Scroll me plz</Text>
<Button title={'Button 13'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>If you like</Text>
<Button title={'Button 14'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>If you like</Text>
<Button title={'Button 15'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>Scrolling down</Text>
<Button title={'Button 16'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
// skip this line if you are using Create React Native App
AppRegistry.registerComponent('AwesomeProject', () => ScrolledViewExample);
import { AppRegistry, ScrollView, Image, Text, Button, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
export default class ScrolledViewExample extends Component {
onPressButton() {
alert('You clicked the button!')
render() {
return (
<ScrollView >
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>Scroll me plz</Text>
<Button title={'Button 1'} onPress={this.onPressButton} />
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>React Native Example of ScrollView</Text>
<Button title={'Button 2'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>React Native ScrollView Example</Text>
<Button title={'Button 3'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>If you like</Text>
<Button title={'Button 4'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>Scrolling down</Text>
<Button title={'Button 5'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>Scrolling down</Text>
<Button title={'Button 6'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>What's the best</Text>
<Button title={'Button 7'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>What's the best</Text>
<Button title={'Button 8'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>Framework around?</Text>
<Button title={'Button 9'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>Framework around?</Text>
<Button title={'Button 10'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>React Native</Text>
<Button title={'Button 11'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>Scroll me plz</Text>
<Button title={'Button 12'} onPress={this.onPressButton} />
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>Scroll me plz</Text>
<Button title={'Button 13'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>If you like</Text>
<Button title={'Button 14'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>If you like</Text>
<Button title={'Button 15'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
<Text style={{fontSize:20}}>Scrolling down</Text>
<Button title={'Button 16'} onPress={this.onPressButton}/>
// skip this line if you are using Create React Native App
AppRegistry.registerComponent('AwesomeProject', () => ScrolledViewExample);
React Native Horizontal ScrollView Example
The horizontal ScrollView scrolls the components and views from left to right. It will be implemented by setting the props horizontal to true (horizontal={true}).
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry, ScrollView, View, Image, Text, Button, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
export default class ScrolledViewExample extends Component {
onPressButton() {
alert('You clicked the button!')
render() {
return (
<ScrollView horizontal={true} style={styles.container}>
<Text style={{fontSize:22, padding: 10}}>Horizontal ScrollView</Text>
<View style={[{ width: 220,height: 70,padding: 10 }]}>
title="Button 1"
<Text style={{fontSize:22, padding: 10}}>javatpoint</Text>
<View style={[{ width: 220,height: 70,padding: 10 }]}>
title="Button 2"
<Text style={{fontSize:22, padding: 10}}>React Native ScrollView Example</Text>
<View style={[{ width: 220,height: 70,padding: 10 }]}>
title="Button 3"
<Text style={{fontSize:22, padding: 10}}>If you like</Text>
<View style={[{ width: 220,height: 70,padding: 10 }]}>
title="Button 4"
<Text style={{fontSize:22, padding: 10}}>Scrolling horizontal</Text>
<View style={[{ width: 220,height: 70,padding: 10 }]}>
title="Button 5"
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
flex: 1,
/* buttonStyle:{
height: 50,
width: 70,
// skip this line if you are using Create React Native App
AppRegistry.registerComponent('AwesomeProject', () => ScrolledViewExample);
import { AppRegistry, ScrollView, View, Image, Text, Button, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
export default class ScrolledViewExample extends Component {
onPressButton() {
alert('You clicked the button!')
render() {
return (
<ScrollView horizontal={true} style={styles.container}>
<Text style={{fontSize:22, padding: 10}}>Horizontal ScrollView</Text>
<View style={[{ width: 220,height: 70,padding: 10 }]}>
title="Button 1"
<Text style={{fontSize:22, padding: 10}}>javatpoint</Text>
<View style={[{ width: 220,height: 70,padding: 10 }]}>
title="Button 2"
<Text style={{fontSize:22, padding: 10}}>React Native ScrollView Example</Text>
<View style={[{ width: 220,height: 70,padding: 10 }]}>
title="Button 3"
<Text style={{fontSize:22, padding: 10}}>If you like</Text>
<View style={[{ width: 220,height: 70,padding: 10 }]}>
title="Button 4"
<Text style={{fontSize:22, padding: 10}}>Scrolling horizontal</Text>
<View style={[{ width: 220,height: 70,padding: 10 }]}>
title="Button 5"
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
flex: 1,
/* buttonStyle:{
height: 50,
width: 70,
// skip this line if you are using Create React Native App
AppRegistry.registerComponent('AwesomeProject', () => ScrolledViewExample);