COA Tutorial
Basic CO and Design
Computer Instructions
Digital Logic Circuits
Map Simplification
Combinational Circuits
Flip - Flops
Digital Components
Register Transfer
Memory Organization
- Booth's Multiplication Algorithm
- Branch Instruction in Computer Organization
- Data Representation in Computer Organization
- ALU and Data Path in Computer Organization
- External memory in Computer Organization
- Structured Computer Organization
- Types of Register in Computer Organization
- Secondary Storage Devices in Computer Organization
- Types of Operands in Computer Organization
- Serial Communication in Computer organization
- Addressing Sequencing in Computer Organization
- Simplified Instructional Computer (SIC)
- Arithmetic Instructions in AVR microcontroller
- Conventional Computing VS Quantum Computing
- Instruction set used in Simplified Instructional Computer
- Branch Instruction in AVR microcontroller
- Conditional Branch instruction in AVR Microcontroller
- Data transfer instruction in AVR microcontroller
- Difference between Memory-based and Register-based addressing modes
- Difference between 1's complement Representation and 2's complement Representation
- CALL Instructions and Stack in AVR Microcontroller
- Difference between Call and Jump Instructions
- Overflow in Arithmetic Addition in Binary number System
- Horizontal Micro-programmed Vs. Vertical Micro-programmed Control Unit
- Hardwired Vs. Micro-programmed Control Unit
- Non-Restoring Division Algorithm for Unsigned Integer
- Restoring Division Algorithm for Unsigned Integer
- Debugging a Machine-level Program
- Dependencies and Data Hazard in pipeline in Computer Organization
- Execution, Stages and Throughput in Pipeline
- Types of Pipeline Delay and Stalling
- Timing Diagram of MOV Instruction
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Flash Memory
- Importance/Need of negative feedback in amplifiers
- Anti-Aliasing - Computer Graphics
- Bus Arbitration in Computer Organization
- Convert a number from Base 2 (Binary) to Base 6
- Cache Coherence
- Cache Memory and Virtual Memory
- Electrical Potential and Potential Difference
- RAM and Cache
- SIM and RIM instructions in 8085 processor
- Clusters in Computer Organization
- Data Types and Addressing Modes of 80386/80386DX Microprocessor
Map Simplification
The Map method involves a simple, straightforward procedure for simplifying Boolean expressions.
Map simplification may be regarded as a pictorial arrangement of the truth table which allows an easy interpretation for choosing the minimum number of terms needed to express the function algebraically. The map method is also known as Karnaugh map or K-map.
Each combination of the variables in a truth table is called a mid-term.
Note: When expressed in a truth table a function of n variables will have 2^n min-terms, equivalent to the 2^n binary numbers obtained from n bits.
There are four min-terms in a two variable map. Therefore, the map consists of four squares, one for each min-term. The 0's and 1's marked for each row, and each column designates the values of variable x and y, respectively.
Two-variable map:
Representation of functions in the two-variable map:
Three variable map
There are eight min-terms in a three-variable map. Therefore, the map consists of eight squares.
Three variable map:
- The map was drawn in part (b) in the above image is marked with numbers in each row and each column to show the relationship between the squares and the three variables.
- Any two adjacent squares in the map differ by only one variable, which is primed in one square and unprimed in the other. For example, m5 and m7 lie in the two adjacent squares. Variable y is primed in m5 and unprimed in m7, whereas the other two variables are the same in both the squares.
- From the postulates of Boolean algebra, it follows that the sum of two min-terms in adjacent squares can be simplified to a single AND term consisting of only two literals. For example, consider the sum of two adjacent squares say m5 and m7:
m5+m7 = xy'z+xyz= xz(y'+y)= xz.