COA Tutorial
Basic CO and Design
Computer Instructions
Digital Logic Circuits
Map Simplification
Combinational Circuits
Flip - Flops
Digital Components
Register Transfer
Memory Organization
- Booth's Multiplication Algorithm
- Branch Instruction in Computer Organization
- Data Representation in Computer Organization
- ALU and Data Path in Computer Organization
- External memory in Computer Organization
- Structured Computer Organization
- Types of Register in Computer Organization
- Secondary Storage Devices in Computer Organization
- Types of Operands in Computer Organization
- Serial Communication in Computer organization
- Addressing Sequencing in Computer Organization
- Simplified Instructional Computer (SIC)
- Arithmetic Instructions in AVR microcontroller
- Conventional Computing VS Quantum Computing
- Instruction set used in Simplified Instructional Computer
- Branch Instruction in AVR microcontroller
- Conditional Branch instruction in AVR Microcontroller
- Data transfer instruction in AVR microcontroller
- Difference between Memory-based and Register-based addressing modes
- Difference between 1's complement Representation and 2's complement Representation
- CALL Instructions and Stack in AVR Microcontroller
- Difference between Call and Jump Instructions
- Overflow in Arithmetic Addition in Binary number System
- Horizontal Micro-programmed Vs. Vertical Micro-programmed Control Unit
- Hardwired Vs. Micro-programmed Control Unit
- Non-Restoring Division Algorithm for Unsigned Integer
- Restoring Division Algorithm for Unsigned Integer
- Debugging a Machine-level Program
- Dependencies and Data Hazard in pipeline in Computer Organization
- Execution, Stages and Throughput in Pipeline
- Types of Pipeline Delay and Stalling
- Timing Diagram of MOV Instruction
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Flash Memory
- Importance/Need of negative feedback in amplifiers
- Anti-Aliasing - Computer Graphics
- Bus Arbitration in Computer Organization
- Convert a number from Base 2 (Binary) to Base 6
- Cache Coherence
- Cache Memory and Virtual Memory
- Electrical Potential and Potential Difference
- RAM and Cache
- SIM and RIM instructions in 8085 processor
- Clusters in Computer Organization
- Data Types and Addressing Modes of 80386/80386DX Microprocessor
Conditional Branch instruction in AVR Microcontroller
In terms of assembly language programming, the most important and fundamental aspect is the ability to control the flow of a program. If we are controlling program flow, it means that we instruct the microcontroller to jump from one address to another address in the program. This process is referred to as branching. Without this feature, the instruction will be sequentially executed by the microcontroller in their memory as long as they run out. If we try to write a nontrivial program without conditional branching, it will be extremely difficult, but the process is not impossible. With the help of the registers, we can understand the instruction of an AVR microcontroller, which are described as follows:
Status Register (SReg)
The status register is also called a flag register or condition code register in the AVR microcontroller. It is used for certain programming purposes by the programmer. It contains information related to the state of processor. This register is 8-bit. It contains 8 flags that are updated on the basis of the result of previous instruction. With the help of 6 bits (from bit 0 to bit 5), the conditional flag is represented that are V, S, Z, N, C, and H.
In the status register, the representation of 8 bits is described as follows:
Hello Java Program for Beginners
Here, the use of data bits are described as follows:
Bit 0: It is a carry flag represented by C, also known as D0.
Bit 1: It is a Zero flag represented by Z, also known as D1.
Bit 2: It is a Negative flag represented by N, also known as D2.
Bit 3: It is a Two's complement overflow flag represented by V, also known as D3.
Bit 4: It is a Sign Bit represented by S, also known as D4.
Bit 5: It is a Half carry flag represented by H, also known as D5.
Bit 6: It is a Bit copy storage represented by T, also known as D6.
Bit 7: It is a Global Interrupt Enable represented by I, also known as D7.
Carry Flag
The carry flag is also known as the C flag. Suppose we are performing n bit arithmetic or logical operations. The carry flag will be set with value 1 if the operation generates a result with more than n bits. Otherwise, the carry flag will be reset with a value 0.
Zero Flag
This flag is also known as the Z flag. This flag will be set with value 1 if the result of an arithmetic operation is zero. If the result is not zero, the flag will be reset with a value 0. In other words, we can express zero flags like this:
- If result = 0, then Z = 1
- If result = non zero, then Z = 0
Negative Flag
This flag is also known as the N flag. Here we will use the sign bit D7, which is used to show the binary representation of signed numbers. The flag will be set with value 1, and the result will be negative if the D7 bit shows the value 1. This flag will be reset with value 0, and the result will be positive if the D7 bit shows the value 0. In other words, we can express a negative flag like this:
- If D7 = 1, then N = 1 and result = negative
- If D7 = 0, then N = 0 and result = positive
Overflow Flag
This flag is also known as the V flag. The overflow flag will be set with value 1 if the output of a signed number operation is very large. Due to this, the high order will be overflow into the sign bit. In another case, the overflow flag will be reset with value 0.
Sign Flag
This flag is also known as the S flag. After any logical operation or arithmetic operation, if D7 shows the value 1, then 1 will indicate the negative number and also shows that the sign flag is now set. If the D7 shows the value 0, then 0 will indicate the positive number and show that the sign flag is reset.
Half Carry Flag
This flag is also known as the H flag. While the operation of ADD or SUB operation, the half carry flag will be set if there is a carry from D3 to D4.
The following table shows the various types of conditional branch instructions and its explanation:
Instruction | Explanation | Flag Status |
BREQ | BREQ refers to the "Branch if Equal". It is a type of conditional relative branch. If zero flag (Z) is set, this instruction will test the Z and branches relative to PC (Program counter). Suppose there are two registers, D (destination register) and S (source register), containing signed or unsigned binary numbers. The branch will have occurred if the binary number of register D and register S are equal to each other. The BREQ relatively to program counter in either direction, which is PC - 63 ≤ destination ≤ PC + 64. Here offset is represented with the help of k. | Branch if Z = 1 |
BRNE | BRNE refers to the "Branch if not Equal". It is a type of conditional relative branch. If zero flag (Z) is cleared, this instruction will test the Z and branches relative to PC (Program counter). Suppose there are two registers, D (destination register) and S (source register), containing signed or unsigned binary numbers. The branch will have occurred if the binary number of register D and register S are not equal to each other. | Branch if Z = 0 |
BRSH | BRSH refers to the "Branch if Same or Higher (Unsigned)". It is a type of conditional relative branch. If the carry flag (C) is cleared, this instruction will test the C and branches relative to PC (Program counter). Suppose there are two registers, D (destination register) and S (source register), containing unsigned binary numbers. The branch will have occurred if the unsigned number of register D is greater than or equal to the unsigned number of register S. The BRSH relatively to program counter in either direction, which is PC - 63 ≤ destination ≤ PC + 64. Here offset is represented with the help of k. | Branch if C = 0 |
BRLO | BRSH refers to the "Branch if Lower". If carry flag (C) is set, this instruction will test the C and branches relative to PC (Program counter). Suppose there are two registers, D (destination register) and S (source register), containing unsigned binary numbers. The branch will have occurred if the unsigned number of register D is smaller than the unsigned number of register S. | Branch if C = 1 |
BRLT | BRSH refers to the "Branch if Lower". If a signed flag (S) is set, this instruction will test the S and branches relative to PC (Program counter). Suppose there are two registers, D (destination register) and S (source register), containing the signed binary numbers. The branch will have occurred if the signed number of register D is less than the signed number of register S. The BRLT relatively to program counter in either direction, which is PC - 63 ≤ destination ≤ PC + 64. Here offset is represented with the help of k. | Branch if S = 1 |
BRGE | BRGE refers to the "Branch if Greater or Equal". If a signed flag (S) is cleared, this instruction will test the S and branches relative to PC (Program counter). Suppose there are two registers, D (destination register) and S (source register), containing the signed binary numbers. The branch will have occurred if the signed number of register D is greater than or equal to the signed number of register S. | Branch if S = 0 |
BRVS | BRVS refers to the "Branch if Overflow set". If overflow flag (V) is set, this instruction will test the V and branches relative to PC (Program counter). | Branch if V = 1 |
BRVC | BRVC refers to the "Branch if Overflow cleared". If the overflow flag (V) is cleared, this instruction will test the V and branches relative to PC (Program counter). | Branch if V = 0 |