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Memory vs Storage

What is Memory?

The memory is made by using the registers. It is the most important component of a computer system. In technical terms, memory is known as RAM, which stands for Random Access Memory.

It is a component of a computer system that allows storing the data for the short-term. In the computer systems, memory is a RAM, which stores the data and information temporarily. RAM contains everything which is currently running on our computer. When a user clicks on any application, or running a program, or access a document, then the computer system stores the data in Random Access Memory.

Memory (RAM) is also referred to as volatile memory because it lost the data when the system turns off.

Memory is categorized into three types:

  1. Cache Memory
  2. Primary Memory
  3. Secondary Memory

What is Storage?

Storage is a component in a computer system which allows systems to store the data and information on a long-term basis. In technical terms, it is known as a hard disk or SSD (Solid State Drive).

The data and the information stored in the storage is permanent. It holds the high-capacity data which are not held in the computer memory.

The data remains available in the storage device if the power of the device is off. So, it is also called as non-volatile memory.

The CPU does not directly access it, so the processor transfers the data from storage to memory when the application needs the data. It also allows users to access and store their applications, files, and operating systems for an infinite time.

Following are the major types of storage:

  1. HDD (High disk Drive)
  2. SD Cards
  3. CD (Compact-Disk)
  4. DVD (Digital Versatile Disk)
  5. SDD (Solid State Drive)

The following table describes the difference between Memory and Storage:

Memory Storage
1. It is usually referred to as Random Access Memory (RAM). 1. It is usually referred to as Solid State Drive (SSD).
2. It is an element which stores the data and information for a short-term basis. 2. It is an element which stores the data and information for a long-term basis.
3. It is a volatile memory. 3. It is a non-volatile memory.
4. It is faster than storage (SSD). 4. It is slower than the memory (RAM).
5. It is a component which accesses the data instantly. 5. It cannot modify or access the data as fast as memory.
6. When the system or device loses power, then the data or information is lost. 6. The data and information will remain even.
7. The modules of this component is expensive than the storage. 7. The cost of the storage device is less than the memory modules.
8. The size of memory devices is not large. 8. The size of storage devices is much larger than memory devices. And, the size goes up to terabytes.
9. This component is made up of registers. 9. This component is made up of magnetic parts or strips.

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