Computer Graphics
Graphic Systems
Input-Output Devices
Scan Conversion a line
Scan Conversion Circle
Scan Converting Ellipse
Filled Area Primitives
2D Transformations
Clipping Techniques
Pointing & Positioning
3D Computer Graphics
Hidden Surfaces
MidPoint Circle Algorithm
It is based on the following function for testing the spatial relationship between the arbitrary point (x, y) and a circle of radius r centered at the origin:
Now, consider the coordinates of the point halfway between pixel T and pixel S
This is called midpoint (xi+1,yi-) and we use it to define a decision parameter:
Exception Handling in Java - Javatpoint
Pi=f (xi+1,yi-) = (xi+1)2+(yi-
)2-r2 ...............equation 2
If Pi is -ve ⟹midpoint is inside the circle and we choose pixel T
If Pi is+ve ⟹midpoint is outside the circle (or on the circle)and we choose pixel S.
The decision parameter for the next step is:
Pi+1=(xi+1+1)2+(yi+1-)2- r2............equation 3
Since xi+1=xi+1, we have
If pixel T is choosen ⟹Pi<0
We have yi+1=yi
If pixel S is choosen ⟹Pi≥0
We have yi+1=yi-1
We can continue to simplify this in n terms of (xi,yi) and get
Now, initial value of Pi (0,r)from equation 2
We can put ≅1
∴r is an integer
So, P1=1-r
Step1: Put x =0, y =r in equation 2
We have p=1-r
Step2: Repeat steps while x ≤ y
Plot (x, y)
If (p<0)
Then set p = p + 2x + 3
p = p + 2(x-y)+5
y =y - 1 (end if)
x =x+1 (end loop)
Step3: End
Program to draw a circle using Midpoint Algorithm:
- #include <graphics.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <iostream.h>
- class bresen
- {
- float x, y,a, b, r, p;
- public:
- void get ();
- void cal ();
- };
- void main ()
- {
- bresen b;
- b.get ();
- ();
- getch ();
- }
- Void bresen :: get ()
- {
- cout<< "ENTER (a, b)";
- cin>>a>>b;
- cout<<"ENTER r";
- cin>>r;
- }
- void bresen ::cal ()
- {
- /* request auto detection */
- int gdriver = DETECT,gmode, errorcode;
- int midx, midy, i;
- /* initialize graphics and local variables */
- initgraph (&gdriver, &gmode, " ");
- /* read result of initialization */
- errorcode = graphresult ();
- if (errorcode ! = grOK) /*an error occurred */
- {
- printf("Graphics error: %s \n", grapherrormsg (errorcode);
- printf ("Press any key to halt:");
- getch ();
- exit (1); /* terminate with an error code */
- }
- x=0;
- y=r;
- putpixel (a, b+r, RED);
- putpixel (a, b-r, RED);
- putpixel (a-r, b, RED);
- putpixel (a+r, b, RED);
- p=5/4)-r;
- while (x<=y)
- {
- If (p<0)
- p+= (4*x)+6;
- else
- {
- p+=(2*(x-y))+5;
- y--;
- }
- x++;
- putpixel (a+x, b+y, RED);
- putpixel (a-x, b+y, RED);
- putpixel (a+x, b-y, RED);
- putpixel (a+x, b-y, RED);
- putpixel (a+x, b+y, RED);
- putpixel (a+x, b-y, RED);
- putpixel (a-x, b+y, RED);
- putpixel (a-x, b-y, RED);
- }
- }