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The AVG is an aggregate function in SQL which calculates the average of values of the numerical column from the table.

Syntax of SQL Avg() Function

SELECT AVG(Numerical_Column_Name) FROM Table_Name ;  

Two Examples of SQL Avg Function

Example 1: This example describes how to use the AVG function in the SQL table.

First, we have to create a new table in the database on which MIN function is to be run.

The following CREATE TABLE statement creates the Bikes_Details table with five fields:

CREATE TABLE Bikes_Details  
Bike_Number INT PRIMARY KEY,  
Bike_Model INT,  
Bike_Name VARCHAR (50),  
Number_of_Bikes INT NOT NULL  
Bike_Price INT NOT NULL  
) ;  

The following INSERT query inserts the record of cars into the Bikes_Details table:

INSERT INTO Bikes_Details (Bike_Number, Bike_Model, Bike_Name, Number_of_Bikes, Bike_Price)   
VALUES (2578, 2018, KTM, 3, 1500000),  
(9258, 2019, Apache, 2, 3000000),   
(8233, 2018, Pulsar, 6, 900000),  
(8990, 2018, RX100, 7, 700000),  
(9578, 2020, Splender+, 6, 8000000),  
(1258, 2021, Bullet, 2, 1500000),  
(2564, 2019, Passion, 4, 6000000),  
(2155, 2020, Livo, 8, 1800000);   

The following SELECT query shows the data ofthe Bikes_Details table:

SELECT * FROM Bikes_Details;  


Bike_Number Bike_Model Bike_Name Number_of_Bikes Bike_Price
2578 2018 KTM 3 900000
9258 2019 Apache 2 1100000
8233 2018 Pulsar 6 900000
8990 2018 RX100 7 700000
9578 2020 Splender+ 6 8000000
1258 2021 Buller 2 1500000
2564 2019 Passion 4 6000000
2155 2020 Livo 8 1800000

The following query finds the average of values of the Bike_Price column from the above Bikes_Details table:

SELECT AVG(Bike_Price) As "Average of Bike's Price " FROM Bikes_Details;  



SQL AVG Function With WHERE clause

The SQL Avg() function can also be used with the WHERE clause in the SELECT query for calculating the average of filtered values.

Syntax of AVG Function With WHERE clause

SELECT AVG(Numerical_Column_Name) FROM Table_Name WHERE [ Condition ];  

Example of SQL Avg Function with WHERE clause

The following query creates the College_Student_Details table using the CREATE TABLE statement:

CREATE TABLE College_Student_Details  
Student_ID INT NOT NULL,   
Student_Name varchar(100),  
Student_Course varchar(50),  
Student_Age INT,   
Student_Marks INT  

 The following SQL queries insert the record of students into the above table using INSERT INTO statement:

INSERT INTO College_Student_Details VALUES (101, Anuj, B.tech, 20, 88);  
INSERT INTO College_Student_Details VALUES (102, Raman, MCA, 24, 98);  
INSERT INTO College_Student_Details VALUES (104, Shyam, BBA, 19, 92);  
INSERT INTO College_Student_Details VALUES (107, Vikash, B.tech, 20, 88);  
INSERT INTO College_Student_Details VALUES (111, Monu, MBA, 21, 65);  
INSERT INTO College_Student_Details VALUES (114, Jones, B.tech, 18, 93);  
INSERT INTO College_Student_Details VALUES (121, Parul, BCA, 20, 97);  
INSERT INTO College_Student_Details VALUES (123, Divya, B.tech, 21, 98);  
INSERT INTO College_Student_Details VALUES (128, Hemant, MBA, 23, 90);  
INSERT INTO College_Student_Details VALUES (130, Nidhi, BBA, 20, 65);  
INSERT INTO College_Student_Details VALUES (132, Priya, MBA, 22, 99);  
INSERT INTO College_Student_Details VALUES (138, Mohit, MCA, 21, 92);  

Let's see the record of the above table using the following SELECT statement:

SELECT * FROM College_Student_Details;  


Student_ID Student_Name Student_Course Student_Age Student_Marks
101 Anuj B.tech 20 88
102 Raman MCA 24 98
104 Shyam BBA 19 92
107 Vikash B.tech 20 88
111 Monu MBA 21 65
114 Jones B.tech 18 93
121 Parul BCA 20 97
123 Divya B.tech 21 98
128 Hemant MBA 23 90
130 Nidhi BBA 20 65
132 Priya MBA 22 99
138 Mohit MCA 21 88

The following AVG query calculates the average of those Student_Marks which are greater than 90 in the above table:

SELECT AVG(Student_Marks) As "Average Student_Marks Greater 90" FROM College_Student_Details WHERE Student_Marks > 90;  



SQL AVG Function with DISTINCT clause

The AVG Function with Distinct clause in the SELECT statement calculates the average of distinct values of the column.

The syntax to use Distinct Clause with AVG Function is given below:

SELECT AVG (DISTINCT (Column_Name)) FROM Table_Name;  

Example of AVG Function with DISTINCT Clause

We take the above College_Student_Details table to understand the concept of AVG with the DISTINCT Clause.

The following query calculates the average of distinct values of the Student_Marks column from the above College_Student_Details table:

SELECT AVG (DISTINCT (Student_Marks)) AS "Average Distinct Student Marks"  FROM College_Student_Details;  



AVG Function with SQL GROUP BY clause

In some situations, we have to use the GROUP BY clause with the AVG function in the SELECT statement. The AVG Function with GROUP BY clause calculates the average of distinct values of the same group.

The syntax to use Distinct Clause with AVG Function is given below:

SELECT Column_Name_1, AVG(Column_Name) FROM Table_Name GROUP BY Column_Name_1;  

Example of AVG Function with GROUP BY Clause

Let's take the above College_Student_Details table to understand the concept of AVG with GROUP BY Clause.

The following query calculates the average student marks by course from the above College_Student_Details table:

SELECT Student_Course, AVG(Student_Marks) FROM Table_Name GROUP BY Student_Course;  


Student_Course AVG (Student_Marks)
B.tech 91
MCA 93
BBA 78
MBA 84
BCA 97


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