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Insert One or More rows

In this article, we will learn how to insert one or more records in the table of Structured Query Language.

The INSERT INTO command in SQL allows the database users to insert one or more records into the SQL table.

Following are the two syntaxes for inserting the single row in the table:

Syntax 1:

INSERT INTO Table_Name(Column_Name_1, Column_Name_2, Column_Name_3, ....., Column_Name_N) VALUES ( Value_1, Value_2, Value_3, ....., Value_N);  

This syntax inserts the row in the SQL table by specifying the column names of the table.

Syntax 2:

INSERT INTO Table_Name VALUES( Value_1, Value_2, Value_3, ....., Value_N);  

In this syntax, we have no need to specify the column names for inserting the row into the SQL table.

If you want to insert the record into the table, you have to follow the following steps one by one in the given sequence:

  1. Create the Database in the system.
  2. Create the Table in the database.
  3. Insert one row into the table.
  4. View the table.

Now, we are going to explain each step with an example:

Step 1: Create a Database

In the Structured Query Language, creating a database is the first step for storing the structured tables in the database.

Use the following SQL syntax to create a database:

CREATE DATABASE Database_Name;  

Suppose you want to create the School database. For this, you have to type the following command in Structured Query Language:


Step 2: Create a Table and Insert the data

Now, you have to use the following syntax for creating the table in the SQL database:

CREATE TABLE table_name  
column_Name_1 data type (size of the column_1),    
column_Name_2 data type (size of the column_2),    
column_Name_3 data type (size of the column_3),    
column_Name_N data type (size of the column_N)  

Suppose you want to create the Teacher table in the School database. For this, you have to type the following query in your SQL application: 

Teacher_Name VARCHAR (80),    
Teacher_Subject VARCHAR (30) NOT NULL,      
Teacher_Address VARCHAR (30),    
Teacher_Age INT  
) ;  

Step 3: Insert one row into the table

The following query inserts the record of only one teacher into the Teacher table:

INSERT INTO Table_Name (Teacher_ID, Teacher_Name, Teacher_Subject, Teacher_Address, Teacher_Age) VALUES( 2001, Manoj, Maths, Delhi, 27);  

Step 4: View the table

If you want to view the data of the Teacher table, then you have to write the following query in your SQL application:

SELECT * FROM Teacher;  


Teacher_ID Teacher_Name Teacher_Subject Teacher_Address Teacher_Age
2001 Manoj Maths Delhi 27

Table: Teacher

Insert Multiple Rows into the table

In SQL, you can easily insert more than one row in the table using a single query.

The following Insert Into statement inserts the record of five teachers into the Teacher table:

INSERT INTO Table_Name (Teacher_ID, Teacher_Name, Teacher_Subject, Teacher_Address, Teacher_Age) VALUES( 2002, Anita, Hindi, Ghaziabad, 28),  
( 2003, Vishal, English, Gorakhpur, 26),  
( 2004, Shobhit, SST, Kanpur, 27),  
( 2005, Rohit, Science, Lucknow, 29),  
( 2006, Yogesh, Computer, Jaipur, 28) ; 

To check the result of the above INSERT query, you have to write the following SELECT query in SQL:

SELECT * FROM Teacher;  


Teacher_ID Teacher_Name Teacher_Subject Teacher_Address Teacher_Age
2001 Manoj Maths Delhi 27
2002 Anita Hindi Ghaziabad 28
2003 Vishal English Gorakhpur 26
2004 shobhit SST Kanpur 27
2005 Rohit Science Lucknow 29
2006 Yogesh Computer Jaipur 28

Table: Teacher

Insert Rows from the SELECT statement

If you want to insert the data of another table in the new table, use the INSERT statement with the SELECT statement.

The following statement passes the data of one table into another table:

INSERT INTO New_Table_Name (Column_Name_1, Column_Name_2, Column_Name_3, ....., Column_Name_N)   
(Column_Name_1, Column_Name_2, Column_Name_3, ....., Column_Name_N)   
FROM Old_Table_Name  
WHERE [ condition ]; 


The data of the old table is shown in the following table:

Teacher_ID Teacher_Name Teacher_Subject Teacher_Address Teacher_Age
2001 Manoj Maths Delhi 27
2002 Anita Hindi Delhi 28
2003 Vishal English Gorakhpur 26
2004 shobhit SST Delhi 27
2005 Rohit Science Lucknow 29
2006 Yogesh Computer Delhi 28

Table: Old_Teacher

Suppose you have a New_Teacher table whose structure is the same as the Old_Teacher table, and you want to transfer the data of those teachers into the new table from the old table whose address is Delhi. For this operation, you have to use the following INSERT statement with the SELECT query:

INSERT INTO New_Teacher (New_Teacher_ID, New_Teacher_Name, New_Teacher_Subject)   
SELECT Teacher_ID, Teacher_Name, Teacher_Subject  
FROM Old_Teacher  
WHERE Teacher_Address = 'Delhi' ;  


To check the result of the above query, use the following SELECT statement:

SELECT * FROM New_Teacher;  


Teacher_ID Teacher_Name Teacher_Subject
2001 Manoj Maths
2002 Anita Hindi
2004 shobhit SST
2006 Yogesh Computer

Table: New_Teacher

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