SQL Tutorial
SQL Database
SQL Table
SQL Select
SQL Order By
SQL Insert
SQL Update
SQL Delete
SQL Injection
SQL String Functions
- SQL Formatter
- SQL group by
- SQL add/drop/update column operation
- SQL CAST Function
- SQL Comments
- SQL CONCAT Function
- CTE (Common Table Expression)SQL
- How to use distinct in SQL?
- Joining Three or More Tables in SQL
- What is Web SQL?
- How to create functions in SQL?
- How to run SQL Script?
- How to Delete Duplicate Rows in SQL?
- Nth Highest salary
- 12 Codd's Rules
- Types of SQL JOIN
- Change datatype of column in SQL
- SQL Auto Increment
- SQL Like
- Commit and Rollback in SQL
- SQL Concatenate
- SQL get month from the date
- Savepoint in SQL
- TIME Datatype in SQL
- CRUD Operations in SQL
- Scalar Functions in SQL
- SET Operators in SQL
- Types of SQL Commands
- TCL Commands in SQL
- SQL Subquery
- SQL View
- Constraints in SQL
- Pattern Matching in SQL
- SQL Date Functions
- DDL Commands in SQL
- DML Commands in SQL
- SQL Inner Join
- SQL IN Operator
- Check Constraint in SQL
- Delete Column from Table
- Add Column in the Table
- Delete one row in SQL
- Change the Column Value
- How to Add Foreign Key in SQL
- Add a Primary Key
- Insert One or More rows
- How to Use LIKE in SQL
- Cursor in SQL
- Difference Between DROP and Truncate
- SQL Comparison Operators
- SQL Stored Procedure
- How to use Auto-Increment in SQL
- SQL Languages
- SQL Arithmetic Operators
- How to Use GROUP BY in SQL
- How to Use ORDER BY in SQL
- Trigger in SQL
- What is Race Condition
PL/SQL Tutorial
Sql Interview Question
SQl Quiz
Before understanding the concept of Count Function with the DISTINCT keyword, we have to know about the Count and Distinct keywords. So, let's start with the Count function.
What is Count in SQL?
The COUNT is a function in Structured Query Language that shows the number of records from the table in the result. In SQL, it is always used in the SELECT query.
The syntax of the Count function is given below:
In the count example, we have to define the name of the column in parentheses just after the COUNT keyword.
Example of Count Function
Firstly, we have to create a new table on which the count function is to be executed.
The following query creates the Teacher_Details table with Teacher_ID as the primary key using the CREATE TABLE statement:
Teacher_Name varchar(100),
Teacher_Qualification varchar(50),
Teacher_Age INT,
Teacher_Interview_Marks INT
The following SQL queries insert the record of new teachers into the above table using INSERT INTO statement:
INSERT INTO Teacher_Details VALUES (102, Raman, MCA, 24, NULL);
INSERT INTO Teacher_Details VALUES (104, Shyam, BBA, 19, 92);
INSERT INTO Teacher_Details VALUES (107, Vikash, B.tech, 20, NULL);
INSERT INTO Teacher_Details VALUES (111, Monu, MBA, 21, NULL);
INSERT INTO Teacher_Details VALUES (114, Jones, B.tech, 18, 93);
INSERT INTO Teacher_Details VALUES (121, Parul, BCA, 20, 97);
INSERT INTO Teacher_Details VALUES (123, Divya, B.tech, 21, NULL);
INSERT INTO Teacher_Details VALUES (128, Hemant, MBA, 23, 90);
INSERT INTO Teacher_Details VALUES (130, Nidhi, BBA, 20, 88);
INSERT INTO Teacher_Details VALUES (132, Priya, MBA, 22, NULL);
INSERT INTO Teacher_Details VALUES (138, Mohit, MCA, 21, 92);
Let's see the record of the above table using the following SELECT statement:
Teacher_ID | Teacher_Name | Teacher_Qualification | Teacher_Age | Teacher_Interview_Marks |
101 | Anuj | B.tech | 20 | 88 |
102 | Raman | MCA | 24 | NULL |
104 | Shyam | BBA | 19 | 92 |
107 | Vikash | B.tech | 20 | NULL |
111 | Monu | MBA | 21 | NULL |
114 | Jones | B.tech | 18 | 93 |
121 | Parul | BCA | 20 | 97 |
123 | Divya | B.tech | 21 | NULL |
128 | Hemant | MBA | 23 | 90 |
130 | Nidhi | BBA | 20 | 88 |
132 | Priya | MBA | 22 | NULL |
138 | Mohit | MCA | 21 | 92 |
The following query counts the total values of the Teacher_Age column from the Teacher_Details table:
The output of the above SELECT query is twelve because the Teacher_Age field does not hold any NULL value.
The following query counts the total values of Teacher_Interview_Column from the above table:
This query will show the below output on the screen:
The output of the above SELECT query is 7 because two five cells of the Teacher_Interview_Marks column contain NULL. And these five NULL values are excluded. That's why the SELECT query displays 7 instead of 12 in the result.
What is Count(*) Function?
This is also similar to the Count function, but the only difference is that it also displays the number of NULL values from the table.
The syntax of the Count (*) Function is given here:
Let's take the above Teacher_Details:
Teacher_ID | Teacher_Name | Teacher_Qualification | Teacher_Age | Teacher_Interview_Marks |
101 | Anuj | B.tech | 20 | 88 |
102 | Raman | MCA | 24 | NULL |
104 | Shyam | BBA | 19 | 92 |
107 | Vikash | B.tech | 20 | NULL |
111 | Monu | MBA | 21 | NULL |
114 | Jones | B.tech | 18 | 93 |
121 | Parul | BCA | 20 | 97 |
123 | Divya | B.tech | 21 | NULL |
128 | Hemant | MBA | 23 | 90 |
130 | Nidhi | BBA | 20 | 88 |
132 | Priya | MBA | 22 | NULL |
138 | Mohit | MCA | 21 | 92 |
The following query counts the total values of the Total_Interview_Marks column from the above table:
The above SELECT with COUNT(*) query will give the below result on the screen:
What is DISTINCT in SQL?
The DISTINCT keyword shows the unique rows of the column from the table in the result.
The syntax of the DISTINCT keyword is given here:
In the DISTINCT query, we can also define the condition in the WHERE clause for retrieving the specific values.
Example of DISTINCT
First, create a new table on which the Distinct keyword is to be run.
The following query creates the Bike_Details table using the CREATE TABLE statement:
Bike_Name varchar(100),
Bike_Model INT,
Bike_Color varchar(50),
Bike_Cost INT );
The following SQL queries insert the record of new bikes into the table using the INSERT INTO statement:
INSERT INTO Bike_Details VALUES (royal Infield, 2020, Black, 165000);
INSERT INTO Bike_Details VALUES (Pulsar, 2018, Red, 90000);
INSERT INTO Bike_Details VALUES (Apache, 2020, White, 85000);
INSERT INTO Bike_Details VALUES (Livo, 2018, Black, 80000);
INSERT INTO Bike_Details VALUES (KTM RC, 2020, Red, 195000);
The records of the above table are shown by using the following SELECT query:
Bike_Name | Bike_Model | Bike_Color | Bike_Cost |
KTM DUKE | 2019 | Black | 185000 |
Royal Enfield | 2020 | Black | 165000 |
Pulsar | 2018 | Red | 90000 |
Apache | 2020 | White | 85,000 |
Livo | 2018 | Black | 80,000 |
KTM RC | 2020 | Red | 195,000 |
Table: Bike_Details
The following SQL query the distinct values of the Color column from the above Bike_Details table:
As we can see, Black, Red, and White are three distinct values in the Bike_Color column.
Count Function with DISTINCT keyword
The DISTINCT keyword with the COUNT function in the SELECT query displays the number of unique data of the field from the table.
The Syntax of Count Function With DISTINCT keyword is given below:
Examples of Count Function with DISTINCT keyword
The following two SQL examples will explain the execution of Count Function with Distinct keyword:
Example 1:
The following query creates the College_Students table with four fields:
Student_Id INT NOT NULL,
Student_Name Varchar (40),
Student_Age INT,
Student_Marks INT
The following INSERT query inserts the record of students into the College_Students table:
(102, Abhay, 27, 86),
(103, Sorya, 26, 79),
(104, Abhishek, 27, 66),
(105, Ritik, 26, 79),
(106, Yash, 29, 88);
The following query shows the details of the College_Students table:
Student_Id | Student_Name | Student_Age | Student_Marks |
101 | Akhil | 28 | 95 |
102 | Abhay | 27 | 86 |
103 | Sorya | 26 | 79 |
104 | Abhishek | 27 | 66 |
105 | Ritik | 26 | 79 |
106 | Yash | 29 | 88 |
Table: College_Students
The following SQL statement counts the unique values of the Student_Age column from the College_Students table:
This query will give the below table in the output:
The output shows the four values because the Teacher_age column contains 4 unique values.
Example 2:
The following query creates the IT_Employee table with four fields:
Employee_Id INT NOT NULL,
Employee_Name Varchar (40),
Emp_Age INT,
Employee_Salary INT
The following INSERT query inserts the record of IT employees into the IT_Employee table:
(102, Abhay, 27, 26000),
(103, Sorya, 26, 29000),
(104, Abhishek, 27, 26000),
(105, Ritik, 26, 29000),
(106, Yash, 29, 25000);
The following query shows the details of the IT_Employee table:
Employee_Id | Employee_Name | Employee_Age | Employee_Salary |
101 | Akhil | 28 | 25000 |
102 | Abhay | 27 | 26000 |
103 | Sorya | 26 | 29000 |
104 | Abhishek | 27 | 26000 |
105 | Ritik | 26 | 29000 |
106 | Yash | 29 | 25000 |
Table: IT_Employee
The following SQL statement counts only the unique values of the Emp_Age column from the above IT_Employee table:
This query will give the below output: