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Savepoint in SQL

  • Savepoint is a command in SQL that is used with the rollback command.
  • It is a command in Transaction Control Language that is used to mark the transaction in a table.
  • Consider you are making a very long table, and you want to roll back only to a certain position in a table then; this can be achieved using the savepoint.
  • If you made a transaction in a table, you could mark the transaction as a certain name, and later on, if you want to roll back to that point, you can do it easily by using the transaction's name.
  • Savepoint is helpful when we want to roll back only a small part of a table and not the whole table. In simple words, we can say savepoint is a bookmark in SQL.

Let us see the practical examples to understand this concept more clearly. We will use the MySQL database for writing all the queries.

To create a table in the database, first, we need to select the database in which we want to create a table.

mysql> USE dbs;  

Then we will write a query to create a table named student in the selected database 'dbs'.

mysql> CREATE TABLE student(ID INT, Name VARCHAR(20), Percentage INT, Location VARCHAR(20), DateOfBirth DATE);  

Now, we will write a single query to insert multiple records in the student table:

mysql> INSERT INTO student(ID, Name, Percentage, Location, DateOfBirth) VALUES(1, "Manthan Koli", 79, "Delhi", "2003-08-20"), (2, "Dev Dixit", 75, "Pune", "1999-06-17"), (3, "Aakash Deshmukh", 87, "Mumbai", "1997-09-12"), (4, "Aaryan Jaiswal", 90, "Chennai", "2005-10-02"), (5, "Rahul Khanna", 92, "Ambala", "1996-03-04"), (6, "Pankaj Deshmukh", 67, "Kanpur", "2000-02-02"), (7, "Gaurav Kumar", 84, "Chandigarh", "1998-07-06"), (8, "Sanket Jain", 61, "Shimla", "1990-09-08"), (9, "Sahil Wagh", 90, "Kolkata", "1968-04-03");   

Savepoint in SQL

To verify that multiple records are inserted in the student table, we will execute the SELECT query.

mysql> SELECT *FROM student;  


ID Name Percentage Location DateOfBirth
1 Manthan Koli 79 Delhi 2003-08-20
2 Dev Dixit 75 Pune 1999-06-17
3 Aakash Deshmukh 87 Mumbai 1997-09-12
4 Aaryan Jaiswal 90 Chennai 2005-10-02
5 Rahul Khanna 92 Ambala 1996-03-04
6 Pankaj Deshmukh 67 Kanpur 2000-02-02
7 Gaurav Kumar 84 Chandigarh 1998-07-06
8 Sanket Jain 61 Shimla 1990-09-08
9 Sahil Wagh 90 Kolkata 1968-04-03

The results show that all ten records are inserted successfully.

To use the TCL commands in SQL, we first need to initiate the transaction by using the BEGIN / START TRANSACTION command.


Savepoint in SQL

We will save our initiated transaction using the SAVEPOINT command along with some specific names of this savepoint.

mysql> SAVEPOINT ini;  

Here, we have saved the initiated transaction with the name of 'ini'.

Savepoint in SQL

Then, we decided to insert a new record with an ID of 10 into the existing student table.

mysql> INSERT INTO student VALUES (10, "Saurabh Singh", 54, "Kashmir", "1989-01-06");  

Savepoint in SQL

We will execute the SELECT query to verify that the new record with ID as ten is inserted successfully.

mysql> SELECT *FROM student;  


ID Name Percentage Location DateOfBirth
1 Manthan Koli 79 Delhi 2003-08-20
2 Dev Dixit 75 Pune 1999-06-17
3 Aakash Deshmukh 87 Mumbai 1997-09-12
4 Aaryan Jaiswal 90 Chennai 2005-10-02
5 Rahul Khanna 92 Ambala 1996-03-04
6 Pankaj Deshmukh 67 Kanpur 2000-02-02
7 Gaurav Kumar 84 Chandigarh 1998-07-06
8 Sanket Jain 61 Shimla 1990-09-08
9 Sahil Wagh 90 Kolkata 1968-04-03
10 Saurabh Singh 54 Kashmir 1989-01-06

To save the transaction with this newly inserted record, we will create a new savepoint.

mysql> SAVEPOINT ins;  

Savepoint in SQL

Here, the newly inserted record table is saved with the savepoint named 'ins'.

To update the record in the student table and set the updated name as 'Mahesh Kuwar' for the record whose ID is 1, we will execute the following query:

mysql> UPDATE student SET Name = "Mahesh Kuwar" WHERE ID =1;  

Savepoint in SQL

To verify that the record's name field with ID as 1 is updated successfully, we will again execute the SELECT query.

mysql> SELECT *FROM student;  


ID Name Percentage Location DateOfBirth
1 Mahesh Kuwar 79 Delhi 2003-08-20
2 Dev Dixit 75 Pune 1999-06-17
3 Aakash Deshmukh 87 Mumbai 1997-09-12
4 Aaryan Jaiswal 90 Chennai 2005-10-02
5 Rahul Khanna 92 Ambala 1996-03-04
6 Pankaj Deshmukh 67 Kanpur 2000-02-02
7 Gaurav Kumar 84 Chandigarh 1998-07-06
8 Sanket Jain 61 Shimla 1990-09-08
9 Sahil Wagh 90 Kolkata 1968-04-03
10 Saurabh Singh 54 Kashmir 1989-01-06

To save the transaction with this updated record, we will create a new savepoint.

mysql> SAVEPOINT upd;  

Savepoint in SQL

Here, the table with the updated record is saved with the savepoint named 'upd'.

To remove the record from the student table with ID as 6, we will execute the following query:

mysql> DELETE FROM student WHERE ID= 6;  

Savepoint in SQL

We will again execute the SELECT query to verify that the record with ID as 6 is removed successfully.

mysql> SELECT *FROM student;  


ID Name Percentage Location DateOfBirth
1 Mahesh Kuwar 79 Delhi 2003-08-20
2 Dev Dixit 75 Pune 1999-06-17
3 Aakash Deshmukh 87 Mumbai 1997-09-12
4 Aaryan Jaiswal 90 Chennai 2005-10-02
5 Rahul Khanna 92 Ambala 1996-03-04
7 Gaurav Kumar 84 Chandigarh 1998-07-06
8 Sanket Jain 61 Shimla 1990-09-08
9 Sahil Wagh 90 Kolkata 1968-04-03
10 Saurabh Singh 54 Kashmir 1989-01-06

To save the transaction with this removed record, we will create a new savepoint.

mysql> SAVEPOINT del;  

Savepoint in SQL

Here, the table with the deleted record is saved with the savepoint named 'del'.

Later, we decided that we need the record in the student table, which we have deleted in the previous step.

Since at each and every operation, we have created a savepoint. Using that savepoint, we can jump to any point of the transaction. To do so, we will execute the ROLLBACK command along with the name of the savepoint to which we want to jump.

mysql> ROLLBACK TO upd;  

Savepoint in SQL

Since we don't want the record with the ID as 6 to be deleted from the student table, we have rollback to the savepoint named as upd.

To verify that we have achieved the exact table which we had after updating the student table in the earlier steps, we will again execute the SELECT query.

mysql> SELECT *FROM student;  


ID Name Percentage Location DateOfBirth
1 Mahesh Kuwar 79 Delhi 2003-08-20
2 Dev Dixit 75 Pune 1999-06-17
3 Aakash Deshmukh 87 Mumbai 1997-09-12
4 Aaryan Jaiswal 90 Chennai 2005-10-02
5 Rahul Khanna 92 Ambala 1996-03-04
6 Pankaj Deshmukh 67 Kanpur 2000-02-02
7 Gaurav Kumar 84 Chandigarh 1998-07-06
8 Sanket Jain 61 Shimla 1990-09-08
9 Sahil Wagh 90 Kolkata 1968-04-03
10 Saurabh Singh 54 Kashmir 1989-01-06

The results above show that we have rollback successfully to the savepoint named 'upd'.

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