SQL Tutorial
SQL Database
SQL Table
SQL Select
SQL Order By
SQL Insert
SQL Update
SQL Delete
SQL Injection
SQL String Functions
- SQL Formatter
- SQL group by
- SQL add/drop/update column operation
- SQL CAST Function
- SQL Comments
- SQL CONCAT Function
- CTE (Common Table Expression)SQL
- How to use distinct in SQL?
- Joining Three or More Tables in SQL
- What is Web SQL?
- How to create functions in SQL?
- How to run SQL Script?
- How to Delete Duplicate Rows in SQL?
- Nth Highest salary
- 12 Codd's Rules
- Types of SQL JOIN
- Change datatype of column in SQL
- SQL Auto Increment
- SQL Like
- Commit and Rollback in SQL
- SQL Concatenate
- SQL get month from the date
- Savepoint in SQL
- TIME Datatype in SQL
- CRUD Operations in SQL
- Scalar Functions in SQL
- SET Operators in SQL
- Types of SQL Commands
- TCL Commands in SQL
- SQL Subquery
- SQL View
- Constraints in SQL
- Pattern Matching in SQL
- SQL Date Functions
- DDL Commands in SQL
- DML Commands in SQL
- SQL Inner Join
- SQL IN Operator
- Check Constraint in SQL
- Delete Column from Table
- Add Column in the Table
- Delete one row in SQL
- Change the Column Value
- How to Add Foreign Key in SQL
- Add a Primary Key
- Insert One or More rows
- How to Use LIKE in SQL
- Cursor in SQL
- Difference Between DROP and Truncate
- SQL Comparison Operators
- SQL Stored Procedure
- How to use Auto-Increment in SQL
- SQL Languages
- SQL Arithmetic Operators
- How to Use GROUP BY in SQL
- How to Use ORDER BY in SQL
- Trigger in SQL
- What is Race Condition
PL/SQL Tutorial
Sql Interview Question
SQl Quiz
- The SQL AND condition is used in SQL query to create two or more conditions to be met.
- Let's see the syntax for SQL AND:
- SELECT columns FROM tables WHERE condition 1 AND condition 2;
- The SQL AND condition require that both conditions should be met.
- The SQL AND condition also can be used to join multiple tables in a SQL statement.
- To understand this concept practically, let us see some examples.
Consider we have an employee table created into the database with the following data:
ID | First_Name | Last_Name | Department | Location |
1 | Harshad | Kuwar | Marketing | Pune |
2 | Anurag | Rajput | IT | Mumbai |
3 | Chaitali | Tarle | IT | Chennai |
4 | Pranjal | Patil | IT | Chennai |
5 | Suraj | Tripathi | Marketing | Pune |
6 | Roshni | Jadhav | Finance | Bangalore |
7 | Sandhya | Jain | Finance | Bangalore |
SQL "AND" example with "SELECT" statement
This is how an SQL "AND" condition can be used in the SQL SELECT statement.
Example 1:
Write a query to get the records from emp tables in which department of the employee is IT and location is Chennai.
ID | First_Name | Last_Name | Department | Location |
3 | Chaitali | Tarle | IT | Chennai |
4 | Pranjal | Patil | IT | Chennai |
In the emp table, there are three employees whose department is IT. But we have specified the AND condition according to which the employee's location should not be other than Chennai. So, there are only two employees whose department is IT and Location is Chennai.
Example 2:
Write a query to get the records from emp tables in which department of the employee is IT and location is Mumbai.
ID | First_Name | Last_Name | Department | Location |
2 | Anurag | Rajput | IT | Mumbai |
In the emp table, there are three employees whose department is IT. Among these three employees, there is only one employee whose location is Mumbai. Due to the presence of the AND operator used in the query, a record must satisfy both conditions.
SQL "AND" example with "UPDATE" statement
This is how the "AND" condition can be used in the SQL UPDATE statement.
Example 1:
Write a query to update the records in emp tables in which department of the employee is Marketing, and the first name is Suraj. For that particular employee, set the updated value of the location as Delhi.
We will use the SELECT query to verify the updated record.
ID | First_Name | Last_Name | Department | Location |
1 | Harshad | Kuwar | Marketing | Pune |
2 | Anurag | Rajput | IT | Mumbai |
3 | Chaitali | Tarle | IT | Chennai |
4 | Pranjal | Patil | IT | Chennai |
5 | Suraj | Tripathi | Marketing | Delhi |
6 | Roshni | Jadhav | Finance | Bangalore |
7 | Sandhya | Jain | Finance | Bangalore |
In the emp table, there are three employees whose department is IT. Among these three employees, there is only one employee whose location is Mumbai. Due to the presence of the AND operator used in the query, a record must satisfy both conditions.
Example 2:
Write a query to update the records in the emp table in which department of the employee is Finance and ID is 7. For that particular employee, set the updated value of the department as HR.
We will use the SELECT query to verify the updated record.
ID | First_Name | Last_Name | Department | Location |
1 | Harshad | Kuwar | Marketing | Pune |
2 | Anurag | Rajput | IT | Mumbai |
3 | Chaitali | Tarle | IT | Chennai |
4 | Pranjal | Patil | IT | Chennai |
5 | Suraj | Tripathi | Marketing | Delhi |
6 | Roshni | Jadhav | Finance | Bangalore |
7 | Sandhya | Jain | HR | Bangalore |
In the emp table, there are two employees whose department is Finance. Among these two employees, there is only one employee whose ID is 7. Due to the presence of AND operator used in the query, a record must have the department as Finance and ID as 7.
SQL "AND" example with "DELETE" statement
This is how an SQL "AND" condition can be used in the SQL DELETE statement.
Example 1:
Write a query to delete the records from the emp table in which the last name of the employee is Jain, and the Location is Bangalore.
We will use the SELECT query to verify the deleted record.
ID | First_Name | Last_Name | Department | Location |
1 | Harshad | Kuwar | Marketing | Pune |
2 | Anurag | Rajput | IT | Mumbai |
3 | Chaitali | Tarle | IT | Chennai |
4 | Pranjal | Patil | IT | Chennai |
5 | Suraj | Tripathi | Marketing | Delhi |
6 | Roshni | Jadhav | Finance | Bangalore |
There is only one record in the emp table whose last name is Jain. But still, due to the presence of AND operator, the second condition will also be checked according to which employee's location should be Bangalore. So, only that particular record is deleted.
Example 2:
Write a query to delete the records from the emp table in which department of the employee is IT and Location is Mumbai.
We will use the SELECT query to verify the deleted record.
ID | First_Name | Last_Name | Department | Location |
1 | Harshad | Kuwar | Marketing | Pune |
3 | Chaitali | Tarle | IT | Chennai |
4 | Pranjal | Patil | IT | Chennai |
5 | Suraj | Tripathi | Marketing | Delhi |
6 | Roshni | Jadhav | Finance | Bangalore |
There are three records in the emp table whose department is IT. But only one record is deleted from the emp table, which contains a total of 6 records. This happened because of the AND operator according to which the employee's location should mandatorily be Mumbai. Therefore there is only one record that satisfies both the conditions. Hence, it is deleted.