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SQL Like

The LIKE is a logical operator in the Structured Query Language. This SQL operator is used in the WHERE clause with the following three statements:

  1. SELECT Statement
  2. UPDATE Statement
  3. DELETE Statement

It filters the records from the columns based on the pattern specified in the SQL query.

Following are two wildcard characters that are used either in conjunction or independently with the SQL LIKE operator:

  1. % (percent sign): This wildcard character matches zero, one, or more than one character.
  2. _ (underscore sign): This wildcard character matches only one or a single character.

Syntax of the LIKE operator in SQL

SELECT column_Name1, column_Name2 ...., column_NameN FROM table_Name WHERE column_name LIKE pattern;   

In this syntax, the pattern is a sequence of characters that have to be searched in that column which is just specified after the WHERE clause.

Examples of LIKE Operator in SQL

In this article, we have taken the following different SQL examples which help you how to use the LIKE operator:

Example 1: Let's take the following Employee table which helps you to analyze the LIKE operator with % sign:

Emp_ID Name Emp_Salary Emp_Dept
1001 Vivek 9000 Finance
1002 Saket 4000 HR
1003 Raman 3000 Coding
1004 Suraj 6000 Coding
1005 Seenu 5000 HR
1006 Shubham 10000 Marketing
1007 Anaya 4000 Coding
1008 Parul 8000 Finance

i) Suppose, you want to filter the records of those employees whose names start with "S". For this operation, you have to type the following query:

SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Name LIKE 'S%' ;  

This query shows the following table in the output:

Emp_ID Name Emp_Salary Emp_Dept
1002 Saket 4000 HR
1004 Suraj 6000 Coding
1005 Seenu 5000 HR
1006 Shubham 10000 Marketing

ii) Suppose, you want to filter the records of those employees whose department name ends with "g". For this operation, you have to type the following query:

SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Emp_Dept LIKE '%g' ;  

This query shows the following table in the output:

Emp_ID Name Emp_Salary Emp_Dept
1003 Raman 3000 Coding
1004 Suraj 6000 Coding
1006 Shubham 10000 Marketing
1007 Anaya 4000 Coding

iii) Suppose, you want to show the name and salary of those employees whose department name starts with "C" and ends with "g". For this operation, you have to type the following query:

SELECT Name, Emp_Salary FROM Employee WHERE Emp_Dept LIKE 'C%g' ;  

This query shows the following table in the output:

Name Emp_Salary
Raman 3000
Suraj 6000
Anaya 4000

iv) Suppose, you want to show all records of those employees from the above employee table whose Name contains the letter "a" in any position. For this operation, you have to type the following query:

SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Emp_Dept LIKE '%a%' ;  

This query shows the following table in the output:

Emp_ID Name Emp_Salary Emp_Dept
1002 Saket 4000 HR
1003 Raman 3000 Coding
1004 Suraj 6000 Coding
1006 Shubham 10000 Marketing
1007 Anaya 4000 Coding
1008 Parul 8000 Finance

Example 2: Let's take the following Student table which helps you to analyze the LIKE operator with _ (underscore) sign:

Roll_No Name Marks Age
1 Raman 95 20
2 Kapil 60 19
3 Arun 85 17
4 Ram 92 18
5 Suman 55 20
6 Sanjay 88 18
7 Sheetal 65 19
8 Rakesh 64 20

i) Suppose, you want to show all records of those students whose Name contains "a" at the second position. For this operation, you have to type the following query with underscore sign:

SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Name LIKE '_a%' ;  

This query shows the following table in the output:

Roll_No Name Marks Age
1 Raman 95 20
2 Kapil 60 19
4 Ram 92 18
6 Sanjay 88 18
8 Rakesh 64 20

ii) Suppose, you want to access records of those students whose names contain at least 3 characters and starts with the letter "S". For this operation, you have to type the following query:

SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Name LIKE 'S___%' ;  

In this query, you have to use the underscore sign three times after the S character. The above query shows the following table in the output:

Roll_No Name Marks Age
5 Suman 55 20
6 Sanjay 88 18
7 Sheetal 65 19

iii) Suppose, you want to access Roll_No, Name, and Marks of those students whose Marks is 2 digits long and ends with '5':

SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Name LIKE '_5' ;  

The above query shows the following table in the output:

Roll_No Name Marks Age
1 Raman 95 20
3 Arun 85 17
5 Suman 55 20
7 Sheetal 65 19

Like with UPDATE Statement

In SQL, we can also use the LIKE operator in the WHERE clause with the UPDATE statement. The LIKE operator updates those records in the table which satisfy the pattern specified in the query.

Syntax of LIKE with UPDATE Statement

UPDATE table_name SET column_Name1 = value1, column_Name2 = value2, ...., column_NameN = valueN WHERE ColumnName LIKE Pattern;  

Examples of LIKE with UPDATE Statement

Here, we have taken the following two different SQL examples which help you how to use the LIKE operator with UPDATE statement for updating the existing records in the tables:

Example 1: Let's take the following Student table which shows you how to update records using LIKE operator with % (percent) sign in the UPDATE statement:

Roll_No Name Marks City
1 Raman 95 Delhi
2 Kapil 60 Gurugram
3 Arun 85 Ghaziabad
4 Ram 92 Delhi
5 Suman 55 Ghaziabad
6 Sanjay 88 Gurugram
7 Sheetal 65 Gurugram
8 Rakesh 64 Delhi

i) Suppose, you want to update the city of those students whose Name starts with "S". For this operation, you have to type the following query with underscore sign:

UPDATE Student SET City = 'Jaipur' WHERE Name LIKE 'S%';  

The above query sets the city as Jaipur of those students whose name starts with the letter 'S' and if you want to see the changes in the table then you have to type the following query:

Select * From Student Where Name LIKE 'S%' ;  


Roll_No Name Marks City
5 Suman 55 Jaipur
6 Sanjay 88 Jaipur
7 Sheetal 65 Jaipur

ii) Suppose, you want to update the Marks of those students whose City name ends with "i". For this operation, you have to type the following query with underscore sign:

UPDATE Student SET Marks = 70 WHERE City LIKE '%i';  

The above query sets the marks as 70 of those students whose name of the city ends with the letter 'i' and if you want to see the changes in the table then you have to type the following query:

Select * From Student Where City LIKE '%i';  


Roll_No Name Marks City
1 Raman 70 Delhi
4 Ram 70 Delhi
8 Rakesh 70 Delhi

iii) Suppose, you want to update the Marks of those students whose Name of the city starts with "G" and ends with "d". For this operation, you have to type the following query with underscore sign:

UPDATE Student SET Marks = 90 WHERE City LIKE 'G%d' ;  

The above query sets the marks as 90 of those students whose name of the city starts with the letter 'G' and ends with the letter 'd' and if you want to see the changes in the table then you have to type the following query:

Select Roll_No, Marks, City From Student Where City LIKE 'G%d' ;  


Roll_No Marks City
3 90 Ghaziabad
5 90 Ghaziabad

iv) Suppose, you want to update the City of those students of the above student table whose Name contains the letter "a" in any position. For this operation, you have to type the following query:

UPDATE Student SET City = 'Goa' WHERE Name LIKE '%a%' ;  

The above query sets the City as Goa of those students whose name contains the letter "a" in any position in the table and if you want to see the changes in the table then you have to type the following query:

Select * From Student Where Name LIKE '%a%' ;  


Roll_No Name Marks City
1 Raman 95 Goa
2 Kapil 60 Goa
4 Ram 92 Goa
5 Suman 55 Goa
6 Sanjay 88 Goa
7 Sheetal 65 Goa
8 Rakesh 64 Goa

Example 2: Let's take the following Employee table which shows you how to update records using LIKE operator with _ (underscore) sign in the UPDATE statement:

Emp_ID Name Emp_Salary Emp_Dept
1001 Vivek 9000 Finance
1002 Saket 4000 HR
1003 Raman 3000 Coding
1004 Suraj 6000 Coding
1005 Seenu 5000 HR
1006 Shubham 10000 Marketing
1007 Anaya 4000 Coding
1008 Parul 8000 Finance

Table: Employee

i) Suppose, you want to update the salary of those employees whose Name contains "a" at the second position. For this operation, you have to type the following query with underscore sign:

UPDATE Employee SET Salary = 9000 WHERE Name LIKE '_a%' ;  

The above query sets the Salary as 9000 of those employees whose name contains the letter "a" at the second position in the table and if you want to see the changes in the table then you have to type the following query:

Select * From Employee WHERE Name LIKE  '_a%' ;  


Emp_ID Name Emp_Salary Emp_Dept
1002 Saket 9000 HR
1003 Raman 9000 Coding
1008 Parul 9000 Finance

ii) Suppose, you want to update the department of those employees whose name contains at least 3 characters and starts with the letter "S". For this operation, you have to type the following query:

UPDATE Employee SET Emp_Dept = 'Coding' WHERE Name LIKE 'S___%' ;  

In this query, you have to use the underscore sign three times after the S character.

The above query sets the Emp_Dept as Coding of those employees whose name contains at least 3 characters and starts with the letter "S" in the table and if you want to see the changes in the table then you have to type the following query:

SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Name LIKE 'S___%' ;  


Emp_ID Name Emp_Salary Emp_Dept
1002 Saket 4000 Coding
1004 Suraj 6000 Coding
1005 Seenu 5000 Coding
1006 Shubham 10000 Coding

iii) Suppose, you want to update the Salary of those employees whose Emp_Dept is 2 Characters long and ends with the character 'R'. For this operation, you have to type the following query:

>UPDATE Employee SET Salary = 20000 WHERE Emp_Dept LIKE '_R' ;  

The above query sets the Salary as 20000 of those employees whose Emp_Dept is 2 Character long and ends with character 'R' in the table and if you want to see the changes in the table then you have to type the following query:

SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Name LIKE '_R' ;  


Emp_ID Name Emp_Salary Emp_Dept
1002 Saket 20000 HR
1005 Seenu 20000 HR

Like with DELETE Statement

In SQL, we can also use the LIKE operator in the WHERE clause with the DELETE statement. The LIKE operator deletes or removes those records from the table which matches with the pattern specified in the SQL query.

Syntax of LIKE with DELETE Statement

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE ColumnName LIKE Pattern ;  

Example of LIKE with DELETE Statement

Here, we have taken the following example which helps you how to use the LIKE operator with DELETE statement for deleting the existing records from the database table:

Let's take the following Student table which shows you how to delete records using the LIKE operator with % (percent) and _(Underscore) sign:

Roll_No Name Marks City
1 Raman 95 Delhi
2 Kapil 60 Gurugram
3 Arun 85 Ghaziabad
4 Ram 92 Delhi
5 Suman 55 Ghaziabad
6 Sanjay 88 Gurugram
7 Sheetal 65 Gurugram
8 Rakesh 64 Delhi

i) Suppose, you want to delete the record of those students whose Name starts with "S". For this operation, you have to type the following query with underscore sign:


This query removes those records of students from the above student table whose name starts with S:

SELECT * FROM Student;  


Roll_No Name Marks City
5 Suman 55 Ghaziabad
6 Sanjay 88 Gurugram
7 Sheetal 65 Gurugram

ii) Suppose, you want to delete the record of those students whose City name ends with "i". For this operation, you have to type the following query with underscore sign:

DELETE FROM Student WHERE City LIKE '%i';  

This query removes those records of students from the above student table whose City name ends with i:

SELECT * FROM Student;  


Roll_No Name Marks City
1 Raman 95 Delhi
4 Ram 92 Delhi
8 Rakesh 64 Delhi

iii) Suppose, you want to delete the record of those students whose Name of the city starts with "G" and ends with "d". For this operation, you have to type the following query with underscore sign:

DELETE FROM Student WHERE City LIKE 'G%d';  

This query removes those records of students from the above student table whose Name of the city starts with "G" and ends with "d".

SELECT * FROM Student;  


Roll_No Name Marks City
1 Raman 95 Delhi
2 Kapil 60 Gurugram
4 Ram 92 Delhi
6 Sanjay 88 Gurugram
7 Sheetal 65 Gurugram
8 Rakesh 64 Delhi

iv) Suppose, you want to delete those records of the student table whose Name contains the letter "a" in any position. For this operation, you have to type the following query:

DELETE FROM Student WHERE City LIKE 'G%d';  

This query removes those records of students from the above student table whose Name contains the letter "a" in any position.

SELECT * FROM Student;  

This query does not show any table in the result, because all the rows were deleted from the table.

v) Suppose, you want to delete those records from the student table whose Name contains letter "a" at the second position. For this operation, you have to type the following query with underscore sign:

DELETE FROM Student WHERE Name LIKE '_a%';  

This query removes those records of students from the above student table whose Name contains the alphabet "a" at the second position.

SELECT * FROM Student;  

The above query shows the following table in the output:

Roll_No Name Marks City
3 Arun 85 Ghaziabad
5 Suman 55 Ghaziabad
7 Sheetal 65 Gurugram

vi) Suppose, you want to delete those records from the student table whose name contains at least 3 characters and starts with the letter "S". For this operation, you have to type the following query:

DELETE FROM Student WHERE Name LIKE 'S___%';  

This query removes those records of students from the above student table whose Name contains at least 3 characters and starts with the letter "S".

SELECT * FROM Student;  

The above query shows the following table in the output:

Roll_No Name Marks City
5 Suman 55 Ghaziabad
6 Sanjay 88 Gurugram
7 Sheetal 65 Gurugram

vii) Suppose, you want to delete those records from the student table whose Marks is 2 digits long and ends with '5':

DELETE FROM Student WHERE Marks LIKE '_5' ;  

This query removes those records of students from the above student table whose 'Marks' is 2 digits long and ends with '5'.

SELECT * FROM Student;  

The above query shows the following table in the output:

Roll_No Name Marks City
2 Kapil 60 Gurugram
4 Ram 92 Delhi
6 Sanjay 88 Gurugram
8 Rakesh 64 Delhi

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