Node.js Tutorial
- Node.js Tutorial
- Install Node.js on Windows
- Install Node.js on Linux/Ubuntu/CentOS
- Node.js First Example
- Node.js Console
- Node.js REPL
- Node.js Package Manager
- Node.js Command Line Options
- Node.js Global Objects
- Node.js OS
- Node.js Timer
- Node.js Errors
- Node.js DNS
- Node.js Net
- Node.js Crypto
- Node.js TLS/SSL
- Node.js Debugger
- Node.js Process
- Node.js Child Process
- Node.js Buffers
- Node.js Streams
- Node.js File System (FS)
- Node.js Path
- Node.js StringDecoder
- Node.js Query String
- Node.js ZLIB
- Node.js Assertion Testing
- Node.js V8
- Node.js Callbacks
- Node.js Events
- Node.js Punycode
- Node.js TTY
- Node.js Web Module
- NestJS
Node.js MySQL
Node.js MongoDB
Nodejs Difference
Node.js MCQ
Node.js Express
Nodejs Interview Questions
Node.js MySQL Update Records
The UPDATE command is used to update records in the table.
Update city in "employees" table where id is 1.
Create a js file named "update" in DBexample folder and put the following data into it:
- var mysql = require('mysql');
- var con = mysql.createConnection({
- host: "localhost",
- user: "root",
- password: "12345",
- database: "javatpoint"
- });
- con.connect(function(err) {
- if (err) throw err;
- var sql = "UPDATE employees SET city = 'Delhi' WHERE city = 'Allahabad'";
- con.query(sql, function (err, result) {
- if (err) throw err;
- console.log(result.affectedRows + " record(s) updated");
- });
- });
Now open command terminal and run the following command:
- Node update.js
It will change the city of the id 1 is to Delhi which is prior Allahabad.
You can check the updated record in the new table:
In the old table city of "Ajeet Kumar" is Allahabad.