XML Tutorial
XML Validation
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XML Tutorial
XML tutorial is designed for beginners and professionals. Our XML tutorial provides a detailed knowledge of XML technology like what is xml, features of xml, xml example, xml related technologies, creating xml structure by DTD, creating xml structure by schema (XSD), difference between DTD and schema.
XML Validation
XML file can be validated by 2 ways:
- against DTD
- against XSD
DTD (Document Type Definition) and XSD (XML Schema Definition) are used to define XML structure.
In our XML tutorial, you will learn about DTD file, creating xml with DTD, using CSS file, CDATA vs PCDATA and difference between DTD and XML schema.
Let's see an example of XML using DTD file.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE employee SYSTEM "employee.dtd">
<!DOCTYPE employee SYSTEM "employee.dtd">