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C# this


In c# programming, this is a keyword that refers to the current instance of the class. There can be 3 main usage of this keyword in C#.

  • It can be used to refer current class instance variable. It is used if field names (instance variables) and parameter names are same, that is why both can be distinguish easily.
  • It can be used to pass current object as a parameter to another method.
  • It can be used to declare indexers.

C# this example

Let's see the example of this keyword in C# that refers to the fields of current class.

using System; 
public class Employee 
       public int id;  
        public String name; 
        public float salary; 
        public Employee(int id, String name,float salary) 
            this.id = id; 
            this.name = name; 
            this.salary = salary; 
        public void display() 
            Console.WriteLine(id + " " + name+" "+salary); 
   class TestEmployee{ 
       public static void Main(string[] args) 
            Employee e1 = new Employee(101, "Nagesh", 890000f); 
            Employee e2 = new Employee(102, "Animesh", 490000f); 


101 Sonoo 890000
102 Mahesh 490000
We will learn about other usage of this keyword in next chapters.

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