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Circuit Switching and Packet switching?

This article will learn the differences between circuit switching and packet switching. Both are types of switching techniques. Initially, we will learn some basics of switching network technologies. After that, we will see differences between both of them.

Circuit switching Network:

A circuit-switched network is one of the simplest data communication methods in which a dedicated path is established between the sending and receiving device. In this physical links connect via a set of switches.

Following figure displays the working of circuit switched network.

Difference between Circuit Switching and Packet switching?

In the above figure it shows a circuit switched network in which computer connect via 4 switches with a point to point connections.

Packet switching Network:

In the Packet switching Network, the message is divide into packets. Each packet contains a header which includes the source address, destination address, and control information.

Following figure displays the working of packet switched network.

Difference between Circuit Switching and Packet switching?

In the above figure, it shows how a data gram approach is used to deliver four packets from station A to station D.

Following are the differences between circuit switching and packet switching networks.

Difference between Circuit Switching and Packet switching?

S.No Parameter Circuit switching Network Packet switching Network
1 Path In circuit switched network a dedicated path is created between two points by setting the switches. In packet switched network no dedicated path is created between two points. Only the virtual circuit exists.
2 Store and forward transmission In circuit switching there is no concept of store and forward transmission. In virtual packet switched network, each node may store incoming packets and forward them after use.
3 Dedicated The links that make a path in circuit switched network are dedicated and cannot be used for other connections. In the virtual circuit network, links that make a route can be dedicated with other connections.
4 Availability of Bandwidth In circuit switching, bandwidth is fixed because it is reserved in advance. In the virtual circuit network, require bandwidth is dynamic because it can be released as it is needed.
5 The route followed by packets The route followed by packets is always the same. The route followed by packets is may or may not be different.
6 Call setup An in-circuit switching call setup is required. In packet switching, call setup is not required.
7 Congestion In circuit switching, congestion can occur at set up time. In packet switching, congestion can occur on every packet.
8 Wastage of Bandwidth In circuit switching, bandwidth is fixed, unused bandwidth on an allocated circuit is wasted. Other packets from an unrelated source may utilize unused bandwidth.
9 Charging In circuit switching, users are charged based on time and the basis of distance. In packet switching, users are charged based on time and number of bytes carried & not based on distance.
10 Application Telephone network for bidirectional, real time transfer of voice signal. Internet for datagram and reliable stream service between computers.
11 Layers Circuit-switched network is implemented at the physical layer. A virtual circuit network is implemented at the data link and a network layer.
12 Reliability Circuit-switched is highly reliable. In packet switching, low reliability, subject to congestion.
13 Overhead bits In Circuit-switched network, no overhead bits after call setup. In packet switching, Overhead bits in each packet.
14 Technologies or types Circuit switching using two technologies
  • Time Division Switching
  • Space Division Switching
Packet Switching using two technologies
  • Datagram circuit approach
  • Virtual circuit Approach
15 Installation Cost Circuit switching's initial cost is low. Packet switching networks have high installation costs.
16 Protocols Circuit switching requires simple protocols for delivery. Packet switching requires complex protocols for delivery.
17 Addressing scheme In Circuit switching, Hierarchical numbering plan scheme is used. In Packet switching, Hierarchical address space is used.
18 End Terminal In this telephone and modem is used as end terminal. In this computer is used as end terminal.
19 Information type In this information type is
Analog voice or PCM digital voices.
In this information type is binary information.
20 Multiplexing scheme In circuit switching, circuit multiplexing is used. In packet switching, packet multiplexing shared media access network in used.
21 Routing Scheme In circuit switching, route selecting during set up. In packet switching, each packet is routed independently.

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