PL/SQL While Loop
PL/SQL While Loop PL/SQL while loop is used when a set of statements has to be executed as long as a cond...
PL/SQL While Loop PL/SQL while loop is used when a set of statements has to be executed as long as a cond...
PL/SQL Exit Loop (Basic Loop) PL/SQL exit loop is used when a set of statements is to be executed at leas...
PL/SQL Loop The PL/SQL loops are used to repeat the execution of one or more statements for spec...
PL/SQL Case Statement The PL/SQL CASE statement facilitates you to execute a sequence of satatem...
PL/SQL If PL/SQL supports the programming language features like conditional statements and iter...
PL/SQL Constants A constant is a value used in a PL/SQL block that remains unchanged throughout...
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